Friday, March 16, 2018

Winning Ways

We're not the same. I don't see anyone as my Competition. We don't have anything same. Not the dreams, Not goals. Neither ambitions, and for Sure, Nor the brains. So then, why should I compare myself with those who are not running in my track. Possibly, we have the same track, and, maybe same destination for both of us, but, it's definitely attainable that my dreams are not equal with yours, our goals can be distinguish, and of course, positions will be different too.

Who said winning means, The First Rank, or The First Position, or The Gold Medalist and so on. No guys, Winning Means Just WINNING, whether winning from 1 km or 1 mile. Others will win for their own dreams, but, I'll be winning for my one. I'll never pull them down to win my game. Because it's clear, I'm different to my target. Many are running the marathon of success towards the left direction, but, it's not wrong, if I want to go in the right direction. Oh, it doesn't Mean that I forgot my way. It means that, I loved the path in my way.

There's nothing to afraid if my steps are short and paths are too long, one day will certainly come when my dreams and destination shake their hands and success will give the applause. Being a winner at the same moment, is not the actual success or perfect goal in future. But, being consistent of winning is the ultimate success of my life. Who knows, rest of your one step for a while, may fortunately lead me to the finish line. Never work for money, focus on following your previous step perfectly next time. Because, next time I'll be the new warrior with latest weapons.


  1. बहुत ही बेहतरीन article साक्षी...इस winning ways को पढ़कर एक कविता लिखने को जी चाहा...कि समरशेष हैं,नही पाप का भागी केवल व्याग !
    जो तटस्थ हैं ,समय लिखेगा उनका भी इतिहास!!


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