Friday, February 23, 2018

Mom being Girl Again

You know what, I got busy in my work. As I grow up, my daily work increases. I tried to skip my meals more often a day. Sometimes, my refrigerator went empty and I forgot to bring some groceries after my work. Sometimes, I'm late for office just because sleeping little more for 1 hour instead of just 5 minutes. I got used to when my mom wake me up for my school, then college, but not now. It seems my life goes disbalanced without her. Everything become so unsystematic. Moreover, whenever I used to be with my mom, sometimes it feels me that, if I wouldn't be with her then, she would have less work to do. But, I never knew, she was even more stressed and tensed, when I lived away from home. 50+ messages from Only One Chat, Mom. 5+ missed calls from Only One Name, Home. That time I realized, whether she lived with me or not, her mind constantly working for me.

My mom wants to be a teacher for nursery school children. Because she love small kids playing and talking. Thats why she never scolded me for talking like babies in front of her. Well, I couldn't give her admission to that school because it's not her age to go and work. But, one thing I can do is making a room for small kids in the house itself. When she was small, she used to have that room, which she named it as "Cuties Hall". I want my mom to start again all those thing she was doing when she was a girl. I gifted a camera to my dad, so that he could capture all those moments of mom being girl again. Further, told him to frame the beautiful ones and hang it on the walls. So that she could always remember her days beginning at this stage of life.

Friends, she is the only one who gives everything to you. Support her to live her own life. She become so busy with our work, that she forgot to be a Girl Again. She left the girlish behavior in her old house. Bring those moments back to her, so that she could smile same the way she was in her early pimples. She might be an artist, or a singer, maybe dancer, or may be a photographer. Or maybe, you might not knowing about what she really is. Bring those interests and her hobbies back to road, so that it could drive her life happily and with no worries. What are you thinking? Well, I've decided to make her girl again. What about you? I wanna see how my Mom behaving like Girl in those early days. Be the change in her life.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Fall In Love

Fall in love with MIRROR
Showing Real You Behind Fake,
Fall in love with SUN
Showing Brighter side After dark Night,
Fall in love with MOON
Showing Ray of hope in cloudy sky,
Fall in love with STARS
Showing Shine in the black,
Fall in love with HORIZONS
Showing every unexpected things meet ultimately,
Fall in love with ANIMALS
Showing true love so effectively than humans,
Fall in love with NATURE
Showing attraction without being biased,
Fall in love with LIFE
Showing chapters of struggle and happiness of success,
Fall in love with those who deserves to be loved,
With your heart to another heart,
With inner souls to create soulmates,
Love unconditionally and unexpectedly,
Falling in love is Not just loving, but also, living in love,
Love only to EXPRESS, not to IMPRESS,
Because it doesn't require any language. So, Keep falling in love.

2AM Conversation - a short story.

2 AM❤ "what did the doctor said?" "he said that tomorrow is the delivery date, everything will be fine, tell your wife n...