Thursday, November 30, 2017

Actually, I can

Yes, it will Hurt me.
Painful for me.
Spoil me completely.
But, some or the other day I will win.
They tease me today for being different.
Tomorrow will be different again,
And this time, it will be mine Day.
Why they are so similar?
Thinking this made me somewhat non-identical.
My Goals are private.
But, I know, these will one day give my name in big curtain.
Fame is Nobody's Aim.
What we gain, is only the game.
Game has only two choice, either win or sometimes fail.
Its OK dear.
Another Day, Another Hope
A New Start to catch the Same Train
Now, with New Way.
Oh Actually, I can.
I can do the things right.
I can change the world's mind.
I can change that fear of mine.
I can achieve goals with all my ploys.
I can, Yes, I am going to do that.
So what, if they are different.
Different are not always Difficult.
But, Different are always Definite.
And, Definite will lead to Destiny.
Eventually, Destiny equalize Success.
Here, when I'll stop chasing to be different.
Ultimately, success will be my answer to those who said I can't.
But, I can.
No, Actually I did.
And, This is it.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I am a Struggler

What is Failure? Am I a failure? Is this a end of my life? Will you please explain me the word "Failure"? No other chance to win!! No other option to move forward!! Really, Am I lost everything? Yes, I am upset, and may be Depressed too. Exactly, I don't know which type of feeling is this. I am confused with my life. I don't know what's going in my mind. I think these may only be the symptoms of failing. In my childhood, I have learned in science that every symptoms can be cured. So I think, Failing is not the reason to be like this always.

Due to this, I never spoke to my belongings. Because I know they'll react as if, there is no chance to win. But, I know the only aspect to success is Trying and it may possible that One Try failed many times. So what, there are other ways to try. Atleast, Failure means I have tried once. These kind of thinking is issued in today's world, but, what about our parents, and relatives, and people in our so-called society, they still believe, that one attempt, if you loss, then, no need to continue with second chance, because failure means failure, just waste of chances.

Sometimes, failure is the only option to become successful. Every successful man failed for once to achieve dreams. If people say, "You are a Failure" then, I'll stand up and shout loud that "I am a Struggler, not a Failure". After all, it's true that one day I will be on top of them, I will be on the peak point, not because I have failed or I am a Failure. But because, I am still struggling. Nothing harm to make my soul understand that I can do that what I am able to see in my dreams, as those dreams are mine, they cannot see them. I know which path will take me there, because I know how to make my paths clear. Have faith my dear heart, one day I will do that, and, I'll definitely win this war.

2AM Conversation - a short story.

2 AM❤ "what did the doctor said?" "he said that tomorrow is the delivery date, everything will be fine, tell your wife n...